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Create a 'digital first' patient experience

Our online and video consultation platform can improve patient experience, freeing up your time to focus on complex care for those who need it.

Making life at the front desk calmer

AireConsult, our online and video consultation platform helps patients access many of the services they would normally expect in person like a check-up or discussion about a test result. Our platform also helps you to resolve medical enquiries quickly, manage your workload more effectively and provides a virtual waiting room for your patients.

How does it work?

Patients can access a hyperlink from your website, a text or email they’ve received from you, or a QR code — meaning there’s no need for them to sign-up. Patients then complete our user-friendly form which is accessible on all devices. Data is converted into a viewable PDF and securely emailed to you, making it easy to process.

Forms4Health GP Patient digital reception
Forms4Health GMS1+ new patient registration form.

Improve patient experience.

Patients have a quick, convenient and secure alternative to visiting your healthcare services. They can also find answers to their queries online, reducing urgent appointments, freeing up phone lines and reducing waiting times.

Manage your workload.

Prioritise patients who genuinely need an appointment, help your staff manage their time more efficiently, and provide clinicians with access to a patient’s medical history in advance of a consultation.

OnAire manage participants
manage video call participants in OnAire

Provide safe and self-care.

Check for red flags early using triage and empower patients to self-care. For example, patients can check for symptoms or illnesses, complete health checks, or can be directed to local directories, giving them more information and peace of mind.

Make visual assessments.

Our group calling enables you to consult with multiple health professionals at the same time, chat with individuals (and their families) or patient groups. You can also use video calling to facilitate handover sessions between healthcare staff at the end of a long shift and use the chatbar feature to support your conversations.

Improve data quality.

A key advantage of video is the ability to spot visual cues, or perform a visual examination like an inhaler technique assessment. Clinicians can also screen capture visual symptoms for their records. And people who are housebound due to acute pain or a mental health problem can easily access your healthcare team.

AireConsult platform integrations

From the outset, we designed our low-code platform to be interoperable. All data stored in the system is accessible through extensive APIs, in keeping with Open API principles.

GP system integration.


AireConsult has direct integration with EMIS through the partner programme — allowing patient-completed forms to flow directly into the EMISWeb Health Record and match with patients. As a result, clinicians no longer need to manually upload or attach documents, saving them time.

SystmOne and Vision

AireConsult can also seamlessly send online consult forms to SystmOne and Vision with manual patient matching.

Avatar icon, Aire Logic's solutions are co-created with clinicians
Avatar icon, Aire Logic's solutions are co-created with clinicians
Clinician avatar icon

GP Connect accreditation.

Aire Logic is GP Connect accredited, a national standard that enables uploading of documents to all major Care Records (EMIS, SystmOne and Vision).

Book a demo

Why not take a quick tour of AireConsult and see how it can
support your needs?

Connect with others with in call messaging.